Saturday, October 27, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Weather Forecaster?

I'm starting to think my new knee may be an indicator of the coming weather.

Monday, October 8, 2012

I Have My Life Back!

I'm able to go for walks, shop, cook, do housework, and just about anything else I could do before my knee went kapooie on me.  How lucky can I be?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Adios, Shower Seat.

While getting ready to take my shower one day a couple of weeks ago, I realized I don't need that old shower seat anymore.  So back into the closet it goes until Hubby or I might need it again. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

We're Walking, Walking, Walking.

We went to the Renaissance Festival Saturday and walked and walked and walked.  It feels so good to be able to walk again!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ahead of the Curve.

Had an appointment today with the orthopedist.  The physician assistant said I was "ahead of the curve" and usually not at this point until about 3 months post-surgery.  (I'm just past 8 weeks.)  The doctor said I don't need any more follow-up appointments for a year unless I have any problems.  Yippee!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lessons Learned: #5

Hospital care is expensive:  $35,000 for three nights.  (Insurance reduced claim and paid $25,000.)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bye, Bye PT

I had my last physical therapy session today.  No more bend, bend, bend, ow! Bend, bend, bend, ow!  I am a happy camper today.  : )

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Lessons Learned: #3

Being dependent on someone for even the littlest of things, even for a few weeks, gives one a new appreciation of what it must be like to be permanently disabled.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lessons Learned: #2

Using a walker or cane in public will almost assuredly mean a good samaritan will open a door for you. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lessons Learned: #1

Daytime TV leaves much to be desired.  However, during my recovery, I did discover HGTV with its many home buying/renovating programs.  Unfortunately, I found that too much HGTV can make a person feel her house is quite inadequate.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

125 Degrees!

Physical therapy is brutal sometimes.  I swear, every time I go to PT, the therapist bends my knee a little farther.  I think he decides in advance how many degrees he's going to flex my knee, and he pushes and pushes and pushes my knee until it gets there.  So today his goal was 125 degrees, and yup, he made it.  I'm told 120 to 130 is good, so at least the pain is worth it. 
I went bike riding twice this past week.  Both times it hurt pretty bad for the first 4 or 5 blocks.  Hubby was riding behind me, and he said as my knee came up, so did my butt.  LOL.  I was pretty sore after the second ride, which was farther than the first.  Hubby says I tend to overdo sometimes.  Well, often.  I confess, I have a tendency to do more than I should.
I'm going up and down stairs normally now and have been for about a week.  I thought I'd never get there.  Going up and down leading with the same foot each time got tiring (and it made me feel a bit like a child).
My knee aches when I sit in one position for a long time, and I especially notice it at work if I don't change positions often.  The physical therapist said it can take up to a year for my knee to actually feel like a normal knee.
And did I ever mention that two to three weeks of sleeping only on my back was driving me crazy?!
All in all, I'm pretty darned happy with my knee replacement.  I would not have said that a few weeks ago, but as the pain subsides and I'm able to do more, I can say it was a very good decision to have the surgery.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Getting Back to Normal. : )

In the last few days I've washed dishes, cooked suppers, swept the floor, walked the dog and made two loaves of bread in my handy-dandy breadmaker.  And Tuesday I'll be going back to work.  Yup, things are getting back to normal.  

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Up, Up, Up.

I just started to walk up stairs one foot after the other.  Coming down stairs it's still just one step at a time with the same foot.  I know the pain will eventually subside and I'll get more strength back in my leg, but it sure is a long process.  I long for the day when I won't think about my knee every time I move.  Physical therapy is still tough.  The therapist was able to bend my knee to 117 degrees last time, but boy did it hurt.  I can almost bend my knee enough to peddle a stationary bike.  At least I'm able to walk a little farther each day, and I'm also able to do some chores around the house, so progress is certainly being made.  I'm hoping to be able to get out into the flower gardens and get some weeding done soon, as the flowers beds are nearly completely overtaken by weeds.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Now an Infection. *sigh*

I had an appointment today, and the physician assistant thought my incision looked a little red.  I just noticed the redness today after my shower, so if it truly is infected, it was caught early.  I am so glad I had an appointment already scheduled, because I doubt I would have called the office about it at this stage.  I didn't know physician assistants could write prescriptions, but obviously they can. Is that relatively new?  The doctor got called over to the hospital before he could see me, so my visit was in the PA's hands.  He felt comfortable letting me leave the clinic without seeing the doc, and I agreed.  So now it's an antibiotic 4 times a day for a week and then a re-check next Friday.  I really am getting tired of so many meds, clinic visits and physical therapy sessions (not to mention the pain and stiffness). 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Top 3

My friend's friend, who also had a total knee replacement recently, was told by a doctor that a total knee replacement is one of the three most painful surgeries.  I sure believe that, and I really hope I don't have to find out what the other two are.  The recovery time for this danged knee replacement is so much longer than I expected.  I'm still going to PT twice a week, although the PTA told me today I'll probably be able to cut down to once a week after next week.  My knee is still stiff and painful, but my leg is much stronger, and I'm walking much better.  Also, my hip/buttock seems to be holding up to the challenge of sitting a bit longer, which is a good sign for getting back to work Labor Day week.  Hopefully, I'll be up to sitting for four hours or so by then. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Independence Day!

Today I drove myself to the clinic in my own vehicle.  Woo, hoo!  I drove Hubby's car a couple of times over the weekend, but I wasn't by myself.  Today I flew solo, and it felt so good. 

In other good news, I can stop the blood thinner now, and that means two fewer trips to the clinic each week.  Now it's just two trips to physical therapy each week, and I expect that will be finished soon.  Things are looking up.

I've been watching a lot of HGTV: House Hunters, Property Brothers, Love It or List It, Property Virgins, My First Place.  If you get the impression I'm bored, yup, I'm bored.  It'd be fun being home all day if I was able to get out into the yard and do some weeding, hedge trimming, etc.  I guess I just need to be patient.  After all, I'm only three weeks out from surgery. 

I'm walking around the house without my cane, and it's a bit scary sometimes.  I'm still too nervous to leave the house without my cane, though.

I've got two weeks to get my butt in shape for going back to work.  My hip/buttock still hurts if I sit very long in one position, and I'll need to be able to sit for four hours or so (with stretch breaks, of course) at work.  The therapist gave me stretching exercises to do, so it's stretch, stretch, stretch! 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Not as Prepared as I Thought I Was!

Wow, this knee replacement was so much more than I expected.  I had no idea how much pain there would be or how long and painful the recovery would be.  Physical therapy is especially brutal.  My two c-sections and two back surgeries were nothing compared to this.  To top off the knee pain, I have a lot of hip pain whenever I sit for very long.  I'm planning to see if the physical therapist can suggest some stretching exercises tomorrow for what I think is probably sciatica.

On a cheerier note, I think I'll probably be able to stop using the walker by the end of the week.  It makes me a little nervous to strike out on my own, but I've been moving around the house using walls, tables, etc. for support.  I'm sure I'll need my cane for awhile once I ditch the walker, even if only for a feeling of security. 

I've been to the park half a dozen times to get some walking in.  I've walked 2 or 3 blocks each time, which is farther than I could walk before surgery.

Today was the first time in two weeks I was able to wear my jeans.  The bandage is off and the swelling is down, so my leg actually fits into my jeans.  It felt really good to get out of sweat pants.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Thank You, Minnie, Whoever You Are : )

Hubby and I got a big kick out of the flowers and card that Minnie sent to me in the hospital.  However, since Minnie really is a dog (even though we think of her as much more than just a dog), we know the card and flowers actually came from a human or humans.  So whoever you are, "Minnie,"  the flowers and card are very much appreciated. 

Isn't That Just Swell(ing).

Yup, just like the literature says, my knee/leg swells--a lot.  I doubt I could get my leg into my jeans.  Oh, well, I'm not planning on heading out anywhere (although I sure wish I could!), so it really doesn't matter about the jeans anyway.   

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Two Steps Forward, One Step Backward

Yesterday I was given some pain meds that really threw me for a loop. In spite of the fact I felt like I could lose my lunch at any minute, I was taken to group PT and tortured. Yes, tortured!

In the early evening I had visitors (two of my favorite people/relatives) who really gave me a good laugh. They came in wearing badges identifying themselves as PB-2030 and PB-2035, They even brought me my very own badge that says "Hello! I am a PB-2035." That refers to the dream I was having when I woke up from anesthesia. I was dreaming that my daughter was a PB-2030 and I was a PB-2035. (If you know what that means, you are one of a select few.) Now that was a weird dream!  I think I giggled for a good 5 minutes in the recovery room.

Then  later in the evening I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a lovely card from my pup. Yup, from my pup.  The card was signed by Minnie, and it even had a paw print on it.  If I didn't know better, I might think it really was from Minnie.  Hmmm, maybe some day someone will fess up.

Two Steps Forward, None Backward

I was a bit worried I wouldn't be discharged tomorrow because of being unable to participate fully at PT yesterday afternoon.  However, the head honcho of the nursing unit was just in to see me, and he said I'm doing just fine.  Yippee!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Post-op Day 1

This morning I was awake, washed, dressed and had my teeth brushed by 6:45.  That's 6:45 A.M!   Obscene!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Are We Having Fun?

Packing would be more fun if it was for a vacation and not for a trip to the hospital.

Friday, July 27, 2012

But, But, But...It's My Favorite.

When I was a bratty kid, I really hated vegetables, especially green vegetables.  Even though now I'm a bratty adult, I've developed a liking for most veggies, and I really, really love peas.  Yes, that's right.  I absolutely love peas.  So what do you suppose I need to limit after surgery if I'm on Coumadin (and I probably will be)?  Peas!  But, but, but.....I love peas!  I suppose I could be my usual bratty self and eat them anyway.  But then I'd prbably end up with multiple bruises from thin blood, and people would think Hubby is abusing me. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Per my handy, dandy 3-ring notebook, I should prepare my house for my return from the hospital.  I should clean the house, do the laundry, change the bedsheets, prepare and freeze some meals, mow the lawn & do any garden work that needs to be done.  Whew!  Just writing that makes me tired and my poor old knee painful.  If I could actually do all of that, perhaps I wouldn't need a knee replacement.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Doggone It!

We changed our bed around, so I'd be able to have a walker by the bedside when I come home after surgery.  I figured it'd be a good idea to do it early, since Hubby and I are some of "those" people.  We all know who "those" people are.  They are the people who let their dogs sleep on the bed.  I confess, our sweet pup sleeps on our bed.  I was afraid if we waited too long to change the bed around my little sweetie wouldn't be used to the new bed location and jump onto my knee after surgery.  I am so glad we did!  Right after turning the bed around, I lay down on it, and the canine critter came running into the bedroom, jumped and landed smack on my bad knee.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How About a Bag of Corn?

At class yesterday, the presenter told us the very most important exercise to get ready for surgery is the exercise I absolutely hate.  Figures!  Sit in a chair, prop leg up on a different chair with a rolled-up-towel under the ankle, put an ice pack on the knee, and put a 5-10 pound weight on top of the ice pack.  It is very, very painful!  We were told a bag of frozen peas works well as an ice pack.  I have no peas in the freezer.  I guess a bag of frozen corn will have to do.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Up With the Chickens.

According to the info in my handy, dandy 3-ring binder, on the day after surgery I can expect to be bathed, helped out of bed and seated in a recliner by 7:00 in the morning.  Seriously, 7:00 in the morning.  The day after my surgery is Saturday!  They'll be getting me up before 7:00 on a SATURDAY!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I Yam What I Yam.

One of my exercises is to build strength in my arms.  I wonder if it'll give me big biceps.  If it does, maybe I'll stick a pipe in my mouth, don one of Hubby's old sailor hats, open a can of spinach and change my name to Popeye.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hair Ye! Hair Ye!

It sounds like I'll have two or three nights in the hospital without a hair wash.  That's not a pleasant thought for a gal who needs to wash her hair every other day.  Whatever shall I do?  Oh, I know.  I'll wear a hat.  I'll wear the baby blue one.  It'll match the "pretty boy" doctor's baby blue eyes.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Group P.T.

The second and third days in the hospital I'll have group physical therapy.  I wonder if we'll be graded?  I hope I get an A.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Shorts? No, Not Shorts!

I need a pair of elastic-waiste shorts for the day of surgery.   I understand the reasoning for it, how it'll be easier for dressing changes, but shorts?  Me?  I never, ever wear shorts.  I don't wear them inside, and I don't wear them outside, even if I have to carry a bucket with me to catch the sweat as it rolls off my forehead.  But I will be a good girl and bring a pair of shorts to the hospital.  I might even wear them.  But then again, I might just look at the nurse and say, "You're not the boss of me, and you can't make me!"

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Butt Exercise

One of my exercises is called "Gluteal Sets -- (Fanny Tighteners)."  The description says to "Squeeze bottom together. Do NOT hold breath. Repeat 30 times."  Here all this time I thought that part of my anatomy was called buttocks.  I guess fanny and bottom are medical terms.  *wink, wink*  Hubby says by the time I'm finished I'll have buns of steel.  I'm really looking forward to that, since right now my buns are more like bread dough.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Fun Begins

So it turns out I don't just have a sprain or non-tracking kneecap.  I have osteoarthritis in my left knee, and it's bone on bone.  Geez, no wonder it hurts so much!  The family practice doc took an xray and referred me to an orthopedist.  As my hubby said, the doc was a "pretty boy."  I have to agree.  He was a very nice-looking doc.  And he was nice, too.  He said a shot might help for a short while, but the drawback to a shot is that after one gets a shot, it's a six-week wait before a total knee replacement can be done.  So I opted for the total knee replacement.   I have a month to prepare, and believe me, there are preparations to be made.  Who knew getting my new knee would be so involved? 

I received a 3-ring binder with just about all the information a person would ever need to know about getting a new knee.  First of all, a person needs to call the insurance company to get pre-certified.  Of course!  We are ruled by our health insurance companies.  The insurance representative thought he was cute and said I should tell my husband to stop kicking me in the knee.  Ha, ha. 

There's a two-hour class at the hospital to fill me in on even more information than I have in my 3-ring binder.  I'll even get a tour of the unit where I'll be staying for 2-3 nights.  I'm told I'll have a private room.  That's great.  I just hope I'm not in too much pain post-op to enjoy it.

I have strengthening exercises to do pre-op, and they are grueling.  I mean, they are really, really grueling.  Well, okay, maybe it's just me, but doing 30 repetitions of any exercise with a knee that hurts like hell is grueling.  And doing 30 repetitions of 10 or so exercises with a knee that hurts like hell, well, thank goodness I still have some vicodin left.  Reading though my info, I see that these exercises are mild compared to the exercises I'll have to do after my surgery.  Ow!

We have to arrange things in the house before I come home after surgery, and it will be a challenge with 8 stairs between the kitchen/dining room/front entrance and the level I spend most of my time on.  One of my main concerns is being able to let Minnie outside if I'm home alone and not navigating stairs well.  Minnie is sweet, and she's my pal, but she's still a dog, and I can't very well tell her to just "hold it until 'Dad' gets home."  I guess I'll just have to cross that canine bridge when I come to it.